Di seguito vi riportiamo le card aggiornate di EVOLVE 78 e 79, eventi previsti per il 24 e 25 Febbraio:

EVOLVE 78 – Feb. 24th – Joppa, MD
* EVOLVE Championship Match: Timothy Thatcher w/ Stokely Hathaway vs. Fred Yehi
* Zack Sabre Jr. vs. Keith Lee
* Drew Galloway vs. Jeff Cobb
* Tracy Williams vs. ACH
* Matt Riddle vs. Anthony Henry
* Ethan Page with The Gatekeepers vs. Jason Kincaid
* Chris Dickinson & Jaka vs. The Gatekeepers
* Darby Allin vs. Austin Theory

EVOLVE 79 – Feb. 25th – Queens, NY
* EVOLVE Championship Match: Timothy Thatcher w/ Stokely Hathaway/Fred Yehi winner at EVOLVE 78 vs. Zack Sabre Jr.
* Drew Galloway vs. Matt Riddle
* Ethan Page with The Gatekeepers vs. Darby Allin
* Tracy Williams vs. Keith Lee
* ACH vs. Jason Kincaid
* Jeff Cobb vs. Jaka
* Four Way Freestyle: Thatcher/Yehi loser at EVOLVE 78 vs. Chris Dickinson vs. Austin Theory vs. Anthony Henry