La ROH ha annunciato Silas Young vs. Dalton Castle vs. Adam Page in un three way match per Survival of the Fittest, prossimo PPV che si terrà il 13 Novembre. Di seguito, vi riportiamo la card aggiornata dell'evento:


* Best of 5 Series Finale: ACH vs. Matt Sydal
* 4 Corner Survival Match:

Mark Briscoe vs. Christopher Daniels vs. Hanson vs. Kenny King
* 4 Corner Survival Match: Jay Briscoe vs. Frankie Kazarian vs. Raymond Row vs. Rhett Titus
* Triple Threat Survival Match: Adam Cole vs. Moose vs. Michael Elgin
* Triple Threat Survival Match: Silas Young vs. Dalton Castle vs. Adam Page


Fonte:411mania & Zona