Ormai fatto l'accordo per il ritorno di Hulk Hogan con la WWE infatti la federazione era pronta ad annunciare il ritorno dell'Hulkster in occasione della presentazione del Network, ma si è preferito rimandare l'annuncio perchè si temeva che la notizia su Hogan andasse ad oscurare l'annuncio del Network.

Fonte: lordsofpain.net & zonawrestling.net


There is now a deal in place for Hulk Hogan to return to WWE and he's expected to sign any time now.

As late as last Monday night going into Tuesday night before the Network announcement on Wednesday, officials in WWE's TV department were aware of Hogan's return and were preparing to reveal him along with the Network presentation. At one point, mentions of Hogan returning were written into the script that WWE used on the teleprompter at the Network event in Las Vegas.

One person in the know speculated that he wasn't announced with the Network because bringing Hogan back at the same time the Network is announced may have made Hogan seem bigger when all of the attention needed to be on the Network.

Hogan will be appearing at WrestleMania XXX in some fashion.
Read more at http://www.lordsofpain.net/news/wwe/Hulk_Hogan_Expected_to_Sign_WWE_Deal_Soon_When_WWE_Almost_Announced_Him_Last_Week.html#sxHXsh4TsuvTfF1v.99